A stitch in time saves time
Inital presentation of decayed tooth in babies may appear as chalky white surfaces on the neck of the tooth and on cusp tips of the back tooth . The baby may not present any symptoms initially , if caught at this stage the baby may require just a varnish application which will remineralize the subsurface and normal functions willl be restored . Any brownish discolouration of tooth surface or malodour from mouth is usually a sign of plaque accumulation and suppuration ; usually due to presence of a cavity or food lodgement between teeth . These types of defects require a restoration of lost tooth structure or modifaction of tooth structure to make it self cleansing . These signs when ignored the decay proceeds on to involve the nerve of the tooth and may result in pain on chewing , during eating food , on sleeping .These generally requires more aggreesive and invasive treatment like removal of the tooth nerve and filling the nerve space . Furthermore if left alone it can evolve the root spaces and may require tooth removal to contain the degree of infection .
Will the seal require a drill ?
Mostly with advent of chemical caries removing agent the baby teeth do not require the drill some with extensive decay and in areas non accesible however warrants application of drill to make it more self cleansing . In the era of SMART( silver modified atraumatic resotation technique) it easier to restore the teeth with predictable succes and minimal invasive methods . case selection however plays a major role as to which mode of caries removal and teeth sterilization is to use
August 8, 2019 @ 10:26 pm
very helpful